Outstanding Office Space – Partner with Servcorp Today

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With today’s business expenses, rent payment, overhead, wages, benefits, utilities, and every other bill that comes up, it is a wonder any business owner makes a profit. There is a way to cut down on some of the expenses you accrue monthly.

Have you ever heard of a virtual office? A virtual office is a space that you can rent by the day or month that is fully furnished and functional to be used as a working office. It is a genius idea in that it keeps your costs down and gives you many advantages over traditional office space.

Keep reading and you will be informed of the top four reasons to collaborate with Servcorps virtual office solutions today!

Relevant Address

By collaborating with Servcorp in their virtual office solutions, and in particular, their executive suites, you can harness power and influence that you did not have before. A five-star address gives you clout as you are usually in the business area of your city. You can compete with other similar businesses and come out on top. The marketing you perform is top notch as clients will see a high-end locale and consider you for the job they need to have completed. A prestigious address opens up many avenues for you and your business.

Flexible Lease 

One of the best features when collaborating with Servcorp is their flexible leases. You can sign up for a month to month lease and only put down a one-month security deposit which is much more beneficial to you than the other real estate vultures who want you to commit to a three-year contract and multiple months’ worth of security deposits. This puts a lot of pressure on you as a small business owner and collaborating with Servcorp for their lease benefits in addition to the rest of the rewards is worth it.

Amenities and Benefits 

Another reason to collaborate with Servcorp is due to the multiple advantages and benefits you are awarded when signing a contract with them. They give you a top-notch office that is furnished to the hilt. It has marble tiling as well as leather chairs. The artwork on the walls is original and expensive. They have high-end finishes of granite or marble countertops, crystal chandeliers, and other beautiful décor elements.

You have access to free coffee and tea all day while you work. You also have access to the 40,000 members of the Servcorp global community. If you are having a business issue you cannot figure out, shoot an email to the group asking for suggestions. This is a great way to gain business insight and become a better company.

IT Infrastructure 

The last remarkable benefit of collaborating with Servcorp for your office needs is their exceptional IT infrastructure. Servcorp is their own internet service provider (ISP). This means they can bring you the faster and most up to date technology there is. They have a 99.9% uptime as well as a fibre-based tier 1 managed service plan. Access speeds are up to 1 GB, and they use Cisco end-to-end voice networking to give you the clearest and most reliable telecommunications network out there.

Servcorp Can Meet Your Office Space Needs 

Servcorp has been in the virtual business services market for quite some time. They know the ins and outs of business and understand what a small business owner can afford as well as what they are looking for. Whether you want a room with a view, a prestigious address for marketing to clients, a flexible lease, amenities and other benefits, or the exceptional IT infrastructure, Servcorp can set you up in the office of your dreams!