Want To Save Money? Start By Understanding Your Habits

To a degree, the amount of money that you have is a direct reflection of how you can utilize your resources in order to enjoy your life to a maximum degree. And you can get more money by trying to earn more. Or, you can get more money by spending less and saving more, and that’s where we’ll focus some attention for a bit.


So five of these ways of saving money can directly be related to the idea of habits. And to hack these habits, you want to learn about addiction, understand how habits are created, think about the chemical interactions of habits, know where your attachments are, and understand how to reward yourself accordingly.

Learning About Addiction

When you learn about addiction, you learn about the dark side of habits essentially. Addiction is such a driving force, that it compels you to do things outside of the realm of sensibility. And chances are very likely that some of your spending habits deal with the same forces that drive addiction – essentially, that sense of uncontrollable compulsion could be pushing you to spend money when there’s no logical real.

Researching the Creation of Habits

Are you aware of where habits come from? It’s a fascinating science, and if you’re looking to save money, you can start by thinking in terms of spending habits. What things trigger you to spend money? Is there any type of spending that you can cut back on that isn’t driven by necessity, but rather simply driven by familiarity? Awareness is certainly the first thing that you have to accomplish with regard to that perspective.

Thinking About Chemicals

Another realm of thought when it comes to spending habits is with respect to what your happy chemicals are. Do you feel a sense of immediate gratification when you spend money on certain things? Where doesn’t that feeling of gratification come from? Once you know the answer to that, you can start hacking your biological imperatives to start saving some cash!

Where Are Your Attachments?

Money is often associated with attachments as well. If you’re attached to belongings that seem to have a lot of value, but don’t really have that value financially or practically, then you’re probably existing right around the edges of a virtual money pit. Understand your attachments and associated habits, and learn to adjust them to keep money more secure.

Rewarding Yourself For Getting Closer To Your Goal

And finally, if you learn how to reward yourself in non-financial ways, for following established financial guidelines, then you’re killing two birds with one stone. Not only are you saving money, but you’re feeling good about getting a reward that is also saving you money! A good example of this would be earning a walk in the park by not spending money on a typical cup of coffee one day.